Saturday 16 April 2011

what is fashion faux pas?

faux pas is defined as "a slip or blunder in etiquette, manners, or conduct, an embarrassing social blunder or indiscretion. More specifically, a fashion faux pas is an unfortunate error in fashion etiquette. Sadly - shocks me every day, still!
lets see few disgusting examples of "the wardrobe malfunction"

¨CAMELTOE¨ a slang term that refers to the outline of a human female's labia majora, as seen through tightly fitting clothes.
I say: 
¨Why the hell you think that showing size of your fanny is sexy?¨

Artificial nails, also known as fake nails, are coverings placed over fingernails as fashion accessoriesThey are available in many different colors and designs, ranging from simple colors such as yellow or blue to flamboyant designs such as animal prints and mixed metallic colours. Unfortunately I think they look disgusting, funny and tacky...please girls NO!
I say: 
¨OMG, this is scary!¨

Spray tanning, self tanning, fake tanning, or UV-free tanning refers to the application of chemicals to the skin to produce an effect similar in appearance to a suntan. Just be careful not to get the ¨dark mustard¨ look.
I say:
¨For the best result I recommend platinum blond hair!¨

Aaah NO COMMENT for this one...
I say:
¨Get a mirror for God´s sake !¨

Slang term referring to flashy, ostentatious or elaborate jewelry & ornamented accessories that are carried, worn or installed, such as mobile phones or tooth caps. The concept is mostly associated with rappers, but recently has expanded to include tacky "white trash" types. For example, GuessEd Hardy are brands that clearly displays "bling" on their clothes.

I say:

¨Enough is enough! And for the lovers of Hello Kitty - its cute but - if you are over 12 years old and still wearing it you should see a specialist !!!¨

These funny toes are created when a person wears a pair of heels or sandals which don´t fit or are too small for them, causing their toes to extend beyond the edge of the shoe and grip the outer edges of their footwear. Watch out for those,
summer is almost here!
I say:
¨The lady in red heels rocks! What is her big toe doing while walking?¨

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